I recently received my order from Cloud's Orchids in Southern Ontario. The plants I purchased are of the oncidium alliance and are all hybrids:
Adaglossum Summit "Frenchtown" AM/AOS (Odontoglossum bictoniense x Ada keiliana)-should have chocolate sepals and petals, with bright orange lips.
Beallara Pacific Bright Star "Willy Nilly" (Odontioda Remembrance x Miltassia. Royal Robe (mericlone))-should produce large, glorious copper stars, tipped magenta and complimentary rose-pink lips. (Odontiodia is a cross of Cochlioda x Odontoglossumm and Miltassia is a cross of Miltonia and Brassia)
Oncidium Sharry Baby "Red Fantasy" (Jamie Sutton x Honolulu)-deliciously fragrant oncidium hybrid in red & fuchsia flowers smell of chocolate and vanilla.
Oncidioda Pacific Panic "Pacific Darling" (Oncidium Pupukea Sunset x Oncidioda Charlesworthii)-flowers whould be bright orange. (Oncidioda is a cross of Oncidium x Cochlioda)
I can't wait to see blooms on these babies!!